Wednesday, January 29, 2020
A Pro Stance for Vaccines Essay Example for Free
A Pro Stance for Vaccines Essay The topic of laws mandating vaccinations is a much debated issue. A large number of parents argue they should not be forced to vaccinate their children in order for them to attend public school and daycare. One reason for the controversy of their use is the increased number of children with autism, which some reports have indicated is a possible side effect of vaccines. Information regarding potential negative side effects of vaccines is abundant although not always accurate; however, the decreased incidence in vaccine preventable diseases illustrates their continued necessity. In the United States many of the diseases vaccinated for are nearly absent in communities now. Some diseases may even be eradicated completely by the use of immunizations, as with the case of smallpox in 1977. (Kee, Hayes, McCuistion, 2012, p. 502) A low incidence in many of the vaccine-prevented diseases can lead some to a false sense of security against the risk of contracting such diseases. It is important for the general population to continue receiving vaccinations. An article in The New England Journal of Medicine points out High vaccine coverage, particularly at the community level, is extremely important for children who cannot be vaccinated, including children who have medical contraindications to vaccination and those who are too young to be vaccinated. These groups are often more susceptible to the complications of infectious diseases than the general population of children and depend on the protection provided by the vaccination of children in their environs. Many parents think there is no longer a risk of their child contracting the disease or even becoming exposed to them at all. The refusal of a few to vaccine may not have much of an impact on society, however, the refusal of many to not vaccinate in a community can have disastrous consequences. If the immunization level of a population drops too low, there can be an outbreak of the disease, and the vaccinated population may not be high enough to cover all of the individuals who refused vaccination. This is clearly evidenced by a measles outbreak documented in 2008. The New England Journal of Medicine discussed this measles outbreak in a 2009 article, Between January 1, 2008, and April 25, 2008, there were five measles outbreaks and a total of 64 cases reported. All but one of the persons with measles were either unvaccinated or did not have evidence of immunization. Of the 21 cases among children and adolescents in the vaccine-eligible age group (16 months to 19 years) with a known reason for nonvaccination, 14, or 67%, had obtained a nonmedical exemption and all of the 10 school-age children had obtained a nonmedical exemption. Thirteen cases occurred in children too young to be vaccinated, and in more than a third of the cases (18 of 44) occurring in a known transmission setting the disease was acquired in a health care facility. (Omer, Salmon, Orenstein, deHArt Halsey) Children are not the only population in need of vaccination. Many adults either never got their immunizations as a child, never received their boosters, or they received them so long ago that they are no longer effective as contracting the disease. The National Network for Immunization Information reports in the United States, up to 60,000 adults die from vaccine-preventable diseases or their complications. These diseases include influenza, pneumococcal disease, and tetanus among others. This statistic alone shows a need for more immunizations, not less. The reports indicating negative side effects of the vaccines, especially the possible link to autism is just another reason many feel immunizations are an unnecessary risk. References: Ram Koppaka, MD, PhD (2011) Ten Great Public Health Achievements United States, 20012010 Retrieved from Mobidity and Mortality Weekly Report website: May 20, 2011 / 60(19);619-623 (2008). Adult Immunizations. Retrieved from National Network for Immunization Information (NNii). website: Kee, J., Hayes, E., McCuistion, L. (2012) Pharmacology: A Nursing Process Approach 7th Edition. St. Louis, MI: Elsevier Saunders, 503-510.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Benefits of Human Cloning :: Clones Biology
What is cloning? "Cloning is the process of making a genetically identical organism through nonsexual means."( It has been used for thousands of years to produce plants. The next stage was to clone animals. Scientists can take unfertilized eggs of some small animals, and clone them, so they develop into full adults. After knowing that people realized how great it would be if we could clone humans. There would be a lot of advantages in cloning humans. Lets say someone will die if they can't get a heart transplant. If scientists could clone the human heart, they might be able to save that persons life. Also if they could clone a full human body, they could use the cloned bone marrow as a cure to leukemia. Scientists can also use some cloned animals organs for transplants. Or another big issue would be if you could not have a child with your husband or wife. Many couples around the world would give anything for a chance to have a child. With cloning they would be able to clone a human being that would grow up to be just like one of them. What can cloning do for you? If one of your family members was sick or dying of a disease, scientists will be able to clone them, so they will be normal again. Or maybe one of your pets needs a new liver, they can also clone one, so your pet can live. How would you like it if cloning could bring back some of the worlds most honored and respected people? For example, Albert Einstein was one of the smartest men alive. And with cloning, we could duplicate his DNA to create an exact replica of him. They could do the same for a sports legend or an award winning actor or actress. There are endless possibilities with cloning. What have we already cloned? We have cloned more than what the average person knows about. We have been cloning plants for a very long time. And we have cloned many small animals. Most people know about scientists cloning a sheep named Dolly, but what they don't know is that they have cloned many more small and large animals. They have cloned sheep, goats, cows, mice, pigs, cats, rabbits, and a gaur.
Monday, January 13, 2020
A Detailed Lesson Plan-Developmental Reading Essay
I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: a. Define reading b. Enumerate the types of reading c. Specify the purposes of reading d. Demonstrate the proper postures in oral reading II. Subject Matter Developmental Reading I References: 1. Developmental Reading I, Dr. Edisteo B. Bernardez Page 4-5 2. Developmental Reading, Dr. Angelita Romero Dr. Rene Romero III. Materials: Powerpoint presentation, video clips and pictures IV. Procedure: 1. The teacher will assign a student to read a selection. 2. Discussion of the subject A. Definition of reading B. Enumeration of the types of reading C. Specify the purposes of reading D. Demonstration of the proper postures in oral reading V. Application After the discussion, the teacher will give students oral reading activity. VI. Evaluation The teacher will ask his/her students to read a selection and check the students’ if they observed the proper oral reading postures. Rubric Criteria Proper standing position Connection with audience 4- Outstanding 3- Very Satisfactory 2- Fair 1- Needs improvement VII. Assignment VIII. Reference: Landy, Joseph V. Insight A Study of a Short Story. Metro Manila: National Bookstore, Inc. 1983 Purpura, Jeanne F. Runaways for English, Quezon City: JFC Publishing House, Inc. 2006 www. Mario Salamat II Importance of Lesson Plan By adasyuhada | March 2011 Lesson plan prepares a lot of importance and benefit to the teachers and learners. Hence, here there are following importance that included in lesson plan. First, lesson plan shows the importance in teacher parts. Mostly, teachers use the lesson plan as their guide to teach the same subject or topic for a presentation. As a result, it keeps them on track to accomplish the objectives. For instance, teachers must do arrangement the contents in logically order to make lesson go in sequence. In addition, to be lesson plan is well organized, usually the teachers will do early preparation the lesson plan to make it smooth running of the lesson. As example, teachers should prepared all equipments is needed in their teaching. Examples of equipment are computer, projector, handouts or white board and marker pen. Without all these things absolutely the teaching is not takes placed. Besides that, lesson plan produced an effective teaching. It shows the effectiveness in teaching when it provides benefit to both sides such as teacher and learner. For example, the learners will more easily understand the teaching. From that, it promotes high level of confidence between teachers and learners. Furthermore, lesson plan is possible introduction of education technology. As we can see nowadays, most the teaching session will used the materials based on technology products. This can proved that educational level is developing towards the world. In addition, lesson plan also provides the room to teacher for evaluation and assessment for their teaching. LESSON PLANNING BY HARRY DOODS AND LORNA SMITH This deals with the absolute bare bones of planning. For a fuller picture, please also look at the related articles, ‘Bloom’s Taxonomy’, ‘Starters and Plenaries’, ‘What makes an effective lesson?’, and ‘Assessment’ – but read this first. Writing your first lessons plans will take you a long time. Don’t despair – this will become quicker and easier as you begin to internalise all the information and skills that lie beneath a good plan. Why is a lesson plan important? Because it: †¢provides you with a structured ‘route’ through your lesson so that you can be sure of meeting your lesson objective(s). †¢gives you a secure base from which you can project to your class the impression that you are organised and that you know what you are doing. (That is one of the important elements of effective behaviour management.) †¢provides you, your mentor, your tutors and colleagues with insights into the way you are approaching your teaching, and shows that you are helping your pupils make progress. †¢offers (over a number of lessons) evidence that you are addressing the requirements of almost every Standard other than Q17. What is a lesson plan? It’s a simple statement of: †¢what your pupils are going to learn †¢how you intend them to learn it †¢how you will know that the learning has taken place. How do I write a lesson plan? Stage 1 The starting point for any lesson plan must be, ‘What do I want pupils to learn?’ If you begin by answering that question, and call your answer a ‘Learning Objective’, then your planning will stay focused. If you look at the ‘Bloom’s Taxonomy’ resource, you will find some active verbs that might help you identify the Learning Objective and build sequences of learning. Unless it is a ‘one off’ lesson, the Learning Objective will usually come from a Medium Term Plan, or Scheme/Unit of Work – either one that you have prepared yourself, or one prepared by your school. Stage 2 Your course documents will include a standard proforma for writing lesson plans. Your school will have its own version, not necessarily the same. (Your university will provide guidance on which proformas to use and when.) A lesson plan will usually contain these elements: 1.A context. Indicate where the lesson fits into the Medium Term Plan / Scheme of Work or Programme of Study. Use references to the National Curriculum – e.g. EN3 1b – and / or Assessment Objectives drawn from exam specifications. 2.A statement both of success criteria and of the means by which you will assess the success of the lesson – what learning has taken place, and how effectively. Make these explicit to the class, probably early in the lesson. 3.An outline of your proposed activities, with an approximation of timings. Anticipate likely difficulties here, and record not just what you will do, but how you will do it. For example, if you want pupils to move to the front of the classroom, think how you will manage the movement so you don’t provoke a single mad rush of thirty bodies. ‘Pupils move to the front in threes and fours and sit where directed’ would do. It is crucial to remember that the proposed activities should always lead the pupils in the direction of the Learning Objective: you must be clear about WHY each activity is a necessary element of the lesson (and your university may ask you to justify the learning outcome of each activity on your plan). In other words, however engaging or fun your idea is, if it doesn’t contribute toward the end goal, don’t do it! (File away your idea for another time†¦) At this point in your planning, be specific about: †¢how you will begin and end the lesson †¢how you will group pupils †¢how you will manage transitions between activities and separate phases of the lesson. 4.Statements of individual pupils’ specific learning needs, determined with reference to IEPs, EAL, SEN, G & T, learning and / or behaviour targets, or other requirements, and of how you propose to meet those needs. These are the first steps towards providing effective differentiation. 5.Acknowledgement of the role a TA or LSA might play in the lesson. 6.An account of the resources you will use – everything from texts and worksheets to glue and scissors. Again, make your strategies for managing these resources quite clear. The same goes for your use of audio-visual or other equipment. 7.Use of ICT, with a clear statement of the ways in which it enhances learning. 8.Notes on Health and Safety considerations. In the typical English classroom this is usually about stray cables and stowing bags under tables, but, again, anticipate. If, for the first two or three lessons you feel saf er by writing yourself a script, that’s fine, but as you become more confident you should be able to move towards a more economical model. The exception to this advice is when you are structuring a sequence of questions. There’s nothing wrong with scripting them, just to be sure that you don’t miss out something important – and try to be prepared to be flexible. Stage 3 – Assessment How will you know that any learning has taken place? You can’t just assume it, so you must at some point, or points, during the lesson build in opportunities to check pupils’ understanding, whether that be orally or by more formal means. Again, be specific about how you will do this. Planning in Practice – getting the structure right Inspired by the National Strategy, most ‘model’ lesson plans contain four parts: Part 1. A short starter activity, involving the whole class in some way. This is as much as anything to engage pupils in the lesson and to wake them up, but should also assess or refresh prior knowledge, to bridge learning from previous lessons into the current one. Five to ten minutes is usually quite long enough. Part 2. An introduction to the main points that you want pupils to learn, perhaps through contextualisation, questioning, or plain exposition. Part 3. Development and consolidation. In this phase, encourage pupils to make the new learning their own, perhaps by applying it or re-stating it. Pupils might work in groups, pairs, individually, or in a mixture of all three, depending on how you have decided is best to meet the Learning Objectives. Part 4. Plenary. In this phase, you make the learning explicit, perhaps by structured questioning, feedback from pupils as presentations or as brief accounts. Pupils should be able to articulate in some way what they have learnt in the lesson, and you will be able to assess what learning has taken place, and how effectively. When you observe teachers in schools, consider how far each of them follows this four-part plan, and the reasons for any deviations from it. For example, you may see teachers conduct ‘mini-plenaries’ midway through the lesson. Talk with teachers about how they structure their lessons and their reasons for doing so.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Computer Games as the Emerging New Kind of Art
Computer Games as the Emerging New Kind of Art It may sound pretentious, but computer games seem to gradually start behaving as if they were growing into something more, than simple entertainment. However, it is not the first time it happens – for example, theatre has grown out of folk festivals that had no goal other than entertaining their participants and onlookers, and cinema has evolved from primitive silent comedies into the whole great industry, differentiating from the popular films that are often not much more sophisticated than the first silent films to complex, multilayered art house works, making the viewer think and expecting him to do so. Gaming industry seems to be now in the stage of developing its entertaining potential. There are, however, rare yet growing signs of new trends developing, games that understand the idea of â€Å"entertainment†in another, interesting and original way. After all, aren’t books by Kafka entertaining for the person, who understands and enjoys them? We may mention the example of Russian studio Ice-Pick Lodge, which made art house games their main line of work. Their projects like Pathologic, Void and oncoming Cargo are definitely entertaining, yet in their own, twisted and peculiar way. They are hard to perceive and call for great attention from the player, offering him a unique experience, created by refusal to resort to any established clichà ©s and principles, used by the whole gaming industry. There are other games that move in the same direction, but they only rarely get the attention of prestigious publishers, being in their majority indie-titles, such as Braid, And Yet It Moves and others. Nevertheless, these signs are very promising. If the evolution of computer games goes in the same way the evolution of cinema went, we are in for something really interesting to behold in near future.
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